The Current Situation

Dear Liberty Music PR family,
We wanted to personally share some words with you, given the impact of the coronavirus, which we have seen affect both our professional and private lives. We highly sympathise with everyone during this tough time, but take solace in the fact that it’s only temporary.
We have taken numerous measures to ensure the health and wellbeing of our team members and made working from home compulsory from early March, we stay connected as a team through virtual huddles on a daily basis. As a global digital business, we have always communicated with our clients via Google hangouts and emails, however, we’ve ramped up our communications to ensure all our active and past clients know we are here and still actively operating as a business. Even if you aren’t working with us at present, we are here if you need some reassurance or just a friendly chat.
Despite all the difficulties, we maintain operations and somehow this situation also unites us together even more closely with our artists, media, playlisting and brand partners all around the world. We have some fantastic creative collaborations in the pipeline to ensure music is still delivered to the end-user – we will be revealing more over the coming weeks.