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YouTube Advertising

YouTube is the largest music streaming service; having around two billion monthly active users it beats Spotify who have 345 million.

YouTube is the largest music streaming service; having around two billion monthly active users it surprisingly beats Spotify who only have 345 million. Moreover, YouTube accounts for 37% of all internet traffic, watching up to 40 minutes via mobile every day. On YouTube around 84% of videos contain at least 10 seconds of music. 

Music is by far the most viewed category with an overall traffic of over 27%. Since 2009, every video on YouTube’s list of most viewed videos has been a music video.

What we do

Our base offering includes: creating skippable pre-roll ads which are designed to give an influx in views and we guarantee that your video will grow by at least 40,000 views over the 4 weeks, with a view rate of over 50%.

Get in touch with our team below to find out more about our YouTube Advertising offerings.
